
Birthday Q&A

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Q: What were you up to 10 year ago?

A: I was a server and a full time student! I loved the challenge of packing on 20 - 24 unit quarters while serving part-time which added another 30 hours per week. A little known fact is that one of the reasons I started investing more time in making jewelry was to help pay for my books since I personally was paying for college.

Q: How much money did you start with?

A: $50.

Q: How did you make the $50 work?

A: When I started, my sole goal wasn’t to profit. It was a project born out of passion. I purchased wire, chain, and a strand of pearls online. I remember I used all my money to pay for that first order and as a very budget-oriented student, it was both scary and exciting. From that small amount of material, I created a few designs, posted them online, and every sale was put towards the next order of materials. I truly loved designing and making jewelry and it really was this wonderful medium that allowed me to have some me time between working and school.

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Q: What’s one thing Amarilo has taught you?

A: Since starting Amarilo, i’ve been forced to get out of my comfort zone. As a business owner, it’s so important to go out and get to know people from all walks of life which has been something that, as an introvert, does not come as natural to me as others. I remember before launching Amarilo full-time, I taught private jewelry classes and it was my first glimpse in how amazing passion can bring together so many different types of individuals.

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Q: As business owners we pave our own careers based on what we want in our personal lives. What was your goal when you first launched.

A: I started designing jewelry to create pieces for women just like myself. I remember looking for feminine delicate jewelry but could only find bold and chunky designs. After experiencing this void, I knew I wanted to design the jewelry I personally couldn’t find myself - quality, well-designed delicate jewelry that could be worn everyday. That’s how Amarilo was born.

Q: Amarilo is a well known and successful brand today. How important would you say it is to find a balance between passion and business?

A: As a business owner and brand builder, it’s extremely important to build a balance. As much as i’d love to provide a perfect equation, 7 years later I can say there is no “right” balance between passion and business. I’ve found that the best process before making any decision is to take a minute and ask myself, “is this good for my business?” Such a simple statement can help clarify a lot of hard decisions.

Q: Where do you see Amarilo in 20 years from now?

A: Amarilo is an extension of who I am and every piece I design has so much meaning behind it. I love products that are incorporated into women’s everyday lives in meaningful ways and this will always be the core mission of Amarilo. In 20 years, I want to see the brand offering women a wide variety of unique products that are beautiful, beneficial, and meaningful, not just limited to jewelry.

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