
This Digital Age

Today is February 20, 2018, and it's hard to believe that the years have gone by so fast. Being closer to the 30 threshold is astonishing, it feels like yesterday I just turned 20. 

It reminds me everyday that living in this digital age is amazing. I think to myself, if I were born just a decade earlier, would I have met the people I did in my life? How would I have crossed paths with my boyfriend, my family, my business partner, other creatives, and friends online, or would we have met at all? 

I met my boyfriend Ray online (Tinder!) I met my business partner online (Facebook!) I reconnected with 5 of my siblings after we were in foster care/adopted out (Facebook!) I met so creatives and designers online (Instagram!)

I even met the beautiful couple behind The Mango Market. The Mango Market is a collective market of love & life. They are Kiara and Jonathan, two photographers and film makers that want to journalize love, no matter the medium.  I have been a fan of their work for a while, and recently we connected in Los Angeles a few weeks ago!

Here are a few of my favorite shots of Ray and I, shot by a couple who tells love stories in the most effortless way. 

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